推进技术 ›› 2015, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (4): 608-613.

• 燃烧 传热 传质 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 装备学院航天装备系,北京 101416,装备学院航天装备系,北京 101416,装备学院航天装备系,北京 101416,装备学院航天装备系,北京 101416
  • 发布日期:2021-08-15
  • 作者简介:郑刚( 1987—),男,博士生研究领域为液体火箭发动机喷雾燃烧仿真与实验。 E-mail:zhenggang_hai@163.com ,。
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金( 51076168)

EffectsofImpingementAngleonAtomizationCharacteristics ofImpingingJetsInjector

  1. Department of Aerospace Equipment,The Academy of Equipment,Beijing 101416,China,Department of Aerospace Equipment,The Academy of Equipment,Beijing 101416,China,Department of Aerospace Equipment,The Academy of Equipment,Beijing 101416,China and Department of Aerospace Equipment,The Academy of Equipment,Beijing 101416,China
  • Published:2021-08-15

摘要: 为了研究液体火箭发动机中撞击式喷嘴的雾化问题,采用 CLSVOF(Coupled Level-Set and Volume-of-Fluid Method)方法对撞击式喷嘴的雾化过程进行了数值仿真模拟,重点考察了撞击角对撞击式喷嘴雾化特性的影响。结果表明,通过 CLSVOF方法能对射流撞击雾化形态进行较好的捕捉;分析整个雾化区域的液相分布,将射流撞击雾化过程中的液相分布大致分为三个区域:撞击前两股独立射流区域、撞击后形成的液膜区域、液膜破碎后液丝和液滴的生成区域;射流撞击雾化除了气液界面上速度差引起的不稳定之外,还存在由射流湍流或撞击波引起的其它不稳定因素;液膜破碎长度随撞击角的增大而减小,液膜表面上的表面波幅值及液膜破碎程度则随撞击角的增大而增大;射流撞击在撞击点位置处所形成的速度差对液膜的破碎和液膜上表面波幅值的大小起到了关键作用。

关键词: 撞击式喷嘴;撞击角;雾化特性; CLSVOF;数值仿真

Abstract: Aiming at elucidating the detailed atomization process of the impinging-jet injector in liquid rock.et motor and the relationship between impingement angle and atomization characteristics of liquid sheet formedby the injector,numerical investigation of atomization characteristics of impinging jets injector is conductedbased on the CLSVOF(Coupled Level-Set and Volume-of-Fluid Method)method. The study is focused on the effects of impingement angle on the atomization characteristics,and the simulation results are compared with thetheoretic results. The simulation results show that the atomization characteristics of the liquid sheet formed by theimpinging jets can be effectively captured by the CLSVOF method. By studying the liquid distribution of the atom.ization region,the liquid distribution in the atomization process can be divided into three regions: the separatedjets region before the jets impact,the liquid sheet region after the jets impact and the formation of ligaments anddroplets region. The present numerical results also show that the atomization process is affected not only by the in.stability caused by velocity difference on the gas-liquid interface,but also other factors such as turbulence inten. sity and impact wave. The breakup length of liquid sheet decreases with the increasing impingement angle,the amplitude of surface wave on the liquid sheet and the breakup intensity of liquid sheet increase with the increas.ing impingement angle. The velocity difference at the location of impact point formed by the impinging jets plays akey role in the breakup of liquid sheet and formation of surface wave.

Key words: Impinging jets injector;Impingement angle;Atomization characteristics;CLSVOF;Numerical investigation