2021,Vol 42,No. 7    15 July 2021


Key Technology Analysis of CZ-5 Launch Vehicle Propulsion System

LI Dong, WANG Jue, CHEN Shi-qiang

2021, 42 (7): 1441-1448   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200666

Booster Stage Propulsion System for Launch Vehicle Long March 5

CHEN Jian-hua1,2, CAO Chen1,2, XU Hao-hai1, LI Miao-ting1, WANG Fei1

2021, 42 (7): 1449-1457   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200651

Design and Development of 50-ton LOX/LH2 Rocket Engine

WANG Wei-bin, GONG Yan-bo

2021, 42 (7): 1458-1465   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200676


Frequency Characteristic Analysis of Liquid Rocket Propulsion System with Redundant Design

WANG Tao1, RONG Yi2, HU Jiu-hui2, TANG Ye1, DING Qian1

2021, 42 (7): 1466-1475   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190901

Scheme Investigation on a Half Open Oxygen-Rich Staged Combustion Mixture Cycle Rocket Engine

LIU Hong-jun

2021, 42 (7): 1476-1482   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200685

Numerical Study on Acoustic Modes and Their Damping Characteristics in a Thruster Chamber with Resonators

QIN Jian-xiu1, ZHANG Hui-qiang2

2021, 42 (7): 1483-1492   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200355

Auto Oscillation of Flow Regulator Pipe System

ZHANG Miao1, XU Hao-hai1, LI Bin1,2, XING Li-xiang1

2021, 42 (7): 1493-1500   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200395

Theoretical Studies on Pressure Pulsation of Oxygen Heat Exchanger in Two-Phase Flow Condition

LIU Zhao-yu, WANG Xian

2021, 42 (7): 1501-1511   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200678

Resistant Torque and Micro-Riblet Drag Reduction of Enclosed Rotational Disks

LIANG Tong1, LI Jia-wen1, XU Yang2, CAI Guo-biao1

2021, 42 (7): 1512-1521   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200646

Numerical Study on Breakup Characteristics of Liquid Film of Liquid-Centered Swirl Coaxial Injectors

CHU Wei, LI Xiu-qian, TONG Yi-heng, NIE Wan-sheng, JIANG Chuan-jin, REN Yong-jie

2021, 42 (7): 1522-1533   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200656

Combustion, Heat and Mass Transfer

Central Propellant Deflection Angle Model of Pintle Injector

ZHANG Bo-tao1, LI Ping2, WANG Kai1, CHEN Hong-yu1

2021, 42 (7): 1534-1543   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200309

Numerical Study on Mixing Condensation Characteristics of High Temperature Oxygen Enriched Gas in Pipe Between Turbopump for Liquid Oxygen/Kerosene Staged Combustion Cycle Engines

XIE Fu-shou1, DU Fei-ping2, WANG Xiao-feng2, ZHU Kang3, LAN Xiao-gang4, LI Yan-zhong1

2021, 42 (7): 1544-1552   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200633

Ignition Shock of LOX/Methane Liquid Rocket Engine

ZHENG Da-yong1,2, HU Jun1

2021, 42 (7): 1553-1560   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190844

Numerical Simulation of Combustion Characteristics of LOX/CH4 Engine with Pintle Injector

XIAN Yu-feng, SUN Bing

2021, 42 (7): 1561-1569   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200312

Experiment Researches of High Back Pressure Plasma Ignitor and Liquid Fuel Ignition Characteristics

CAO Ya-wen1,2, LI Bin1,3, WANG Fei1,2, LIN Rong1,2, HAN Xian-wei1,2, TAN Chang1,2

2021, 42 (7): 1570-1580   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200554

Effects of Structural Parameters and Baffle Patterns on Acoustic Characteristics of Combustion Chamber for Large Diameter LOX/Kerosene Engine

CAO Chen1,TAN Yong-hua2,CHEN Jian-hua1,LI Long-fei1

2021, 42 (7): 1581-1592   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki. tjjs. 200407

Flame Oscillation Characteristics for Liquid-Centered Swirl Coaxial Injectors

BAI Xiao,LI Qing-lian,CHENG Peng,CAO Peng-jin

2021, 42 (7): 1593-1605   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200512

Combustion, Heat and Mass Transfer

Design and Experimental Investigation on Uniform Distributed Injector in HAN-Based Monopropellant Thruster

LIU Chuan1,2, LIU Jun1,2, YAO Tian-liang1,2, LIN Qing-guo1,2, SUN De-chuan3

2021, 42 (7): 1606-1614   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200658

Structure, Strength and Reliablity

Multi-Cycle Thermo-Structural Analysis of Thrust Chamber for Liquid Oxygen/Methane Engine

LIU Di, SUN Bing, MA Xing-yu

2021, 42 (7): 1615-1627   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190851

Fatigue Analysis of Small-Diameter Welded Pipe in Liquid Rocket Engine

ZHANG Ya-qi, LIAO Ri-dong

2021, 42 (7): 1628-1635   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200275

Test, Experiment and Control

Vibration Characteristics of Tuning Fork Turbine Blisk of Liquid Rocket Engine

LIN Peng-cheng, ZHENG Xiao-yu, LI Long-xian, LIN Qi-yan, JIN Zhi-lei

2021, 42 (7): 1636-1642   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200636

Method to Measure Wall Heat Flux of Liquid Rocket Thrust Chambers Based on L-M Algorithm

HAN Zhao-peng, HAN Ya-wei, LIU Ya-bing, WEI Bao-xi, GANG Qiang

2021, 42 (7): 1643-1651   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200693

Human-Simulated Intelligent Control Research of Propellant Tank Automatic Pressurization for Liquid Attitude and Divert Engines

LIU Lie1,2, WEI Qiang1,3, LIANG Guo-zhu1

2021, 42 (7): 1652-1661   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200621

Low Temperature Experimental Research on Mono-Propellant 300N Engine

LIU Chang-guo1,2, GUAN Liang1,2, SHI Wei1,2, WANG Zi-mo1,2

2021, 42 (7): 1662-1670   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200655

Material,Propellant and Fuel

Performance of High Energy Synthetic Kerosene GN-1

ZHANG Xing, YAO Chuan-qi, JIANG Rong-pei, YOU Yue, SUN Hai-yun, FANG Tao

2021, 42 (7): 1671-1680   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200628

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