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Current Issue


Ideal Thermodynamic Cycle and Performance Analysis of 2-Stage Pulse Detonation Engine

2012, 33 (4): 499-504   

Ship Propulsion

Shocks Arrangement of Ramp Compression Hypersonic Inlet with High Internal Contraction Ratio

2012, 33 (4): 505-509   

Integrated Design Methods and Performance Analyses of Osculating Inward Turning Cone Waverider Forebody Inlet(OICWI)

2012, 33 (4): 510-521   

Influence of Fuel-Air Ratio on Scramjet Ignition

2012, 33 (4): 522-529   

Analytical Calculation of Generation and Evolution of Hot Spots in Non-Premixed Flames

2012, 33 (4): 530-535   

Numerical Study of Detonation Ignition by Hotspot

2012, 33 (4): 536-540   

Numerical Research on Detonation Wave Characteristic in HighTemperature Supersonic Flow

2012, 33 (4): 541-546   

Experimental Study on the Forced Ignition of Hydrogen in a Supersonic Combustor

2012, 33 (4): 547-558   

Combustion , Heat and Mass Transfer

Effects of Lean Rotor on Rotor Tip Region Under Inlet Distortion

2012, 33 (4): 559-565   

Influence of Tip Clearance Size on Tip Clearance Flow of a Transonic Turbine

2012, 33 (4): 566-572   

Aerodynamics/Acoustics Integration Design Method of Low Pressure Turbine—— Overall Parameters Optimization

2012, 33 (4): 573-578   

Control ,Measurement and Fault Diagnosis

Experimental Verification of Aero-Engine Performance Seeking Control Based on the Hybrid Model and FSQP Algorithm

2012, 33 (4): 579-590   

Initial Flow Structures of an Iso-expanded Subsonic Plane Jet

2012, 33 (4): 591-596   

Material,Propellant and Fuel

Investigation on the Combustion Behavior of CMDB Propellant with Mg/Al Alloy

2012, 33 (4): 597-602   

Tri-Region Interfacial Zone Model for Solid Propellant/Liner Interfacial Debonded Crack

2012, 33 (4): 603-608   

Properties of CMDB Propellant Containing High-Nitrogen Compound BTATz

2012, 33 (4): 609-615   

Adjustable and Available Range of Plateau Burning Rate of DB Series Propellants

2012, 33 (4): 616-619   

Application of Genetic Algorithm-Support Vector Machine in Formula Optimization of Mg/PTFE Fuel Rich Propellant

2012, 33 (4): 620-624   

Effects of thermal properties of the working fluid on heat transfer characteristic in rough microchannels

2012, 33 (4): 625-630   

Frequency Characteristics and Stability of the Flow Regulator-Pipe System

2012, 33 (4): 631-638   

Analysis of Rotating Cavitation in Inducers for Liquid Rocket Engine

2012, 33 (4): 639-644   

New Propulsion System

Theoretical Analysis on Performance of Hydro-Reactive Metal-Based Fuel

2012, 33 (4): 645-649   

Numerical Investigation of Detonation Initiation by a Hot Jet inSupersonic Premix Flow

2012, 33 (4): 650-664