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Current Issue


Dynamic Characteristics Analysis of Rolling Ball Joint Socket Nozzle

LIU Wen-zhi1, WU Jian-xin1, XUE Jun-fang1,LI Chao-chao1, ZHAO Yong-zhong2

2013, 34 (2): 145-151   

Effects of Geometric Parameters on Internal Performance and Flowfield of Single Expansion Ramp Nozzles


2013, 34 (2): 152-160   

Ship Propulsion

Design of Intermediate Turbine flowpath Based on Two-dimensional Optimization Method

YANG Jin-guang, WU Hu,YANG Peng, MAO Kai

2013, 34 (2): 161-167   

Numerical Analysis of Mixed Compressor Tip Clearance

LIU Qiao-ying1,YU Yang2

2013, 34 (2): 168-172   

Numerical Simulation of Non-Uniform Flow Field Structure Behind Classic Flat Baffle

SUN Peng, GAO Hai-yang, ZHONG Jing-jun,DU Kun

2013, 34 (2): 173-180   

Investigation on Effects of Rectangular Groove on Leakage of Straight-Trough Labyrinth Seal Based on Numerical Simulation

LIU Gao-wen, JIANG Zhao-wu, WU Wei-tao, XIA Quan-zhong

2013, 34 (2): 181-186   

Experimental Investigation on Interaction Between Tip Clearance Flow and Three-Dimensional Separation in Compressor Cascade

HAN Shao-bing,ZHONG Jing-jun,LU Hua-wei, KAN Xiao-xu

2013, 34 (2): 187-193   

Stability Improvement in High Pressure-Ratio Centrifugal Impeller with Self Recirculation Casing Treatment

BU Yuan-yuan, CHU Wu-li, ZHANG Hao-guang, DONG Xing-jie

2013, 34 (2): 194-201   

Comparative Experiment on Stability of a Turbine-Shaft Engine

LUO Zhi-huang1, LI Jun1, SANG Zeng-chan2, LIU Dong-jian1

2013, 34 (2): 202-206   

Numerical Simulation for Annular Distributor Type Diffuser Performance

ZHAO Cong-cong, SUO Jian-qin, LIANG Hong-xia, LI-Ming, WANG Zheng-jun

2013, 34 (2): 207-212   

Experimental Investigation on C/C Material Ablationby Particle Erosion

WANG Lei,HE Guo-qiang,LI Jiang,PENG Li-na

2013, 34 (2): 213-218   

Design and Experimental Study of Simulation Internal Bypass Flow Model for TBCC

CHENG Xiao-jun,FAN Yu-xin,GONG Ji-shuang,HAN Qi-xiang,WANG Jia-hua

2013, 34 (2): 219-224   

Heat Transfer of Hydrocarbon Fuel in Turbulent Flow Region Under Supercritical Pressure

ZHANG Lei1,2, LE Jia-ling2, ZHANG Ruo-ling2, ZHANG Xiang-wen3, JING Kai3, GAO Yang3

2013, 34 (2): 225-229   

Mechanism of Forced Mixing for Lobed Mixer with Inlet Swirl

SU Shang-mei 1,2,LEI Zhi-jun1,YUE Wei1,2,ZHU Jun-qiang1

2013, 34 (2): 230-239   

Numerical Analysis of Atomization Process of Liquid with Power Law Model Based on SPH Method

QIANG Hong-fu,HAN Ya-wei,WANG Guang,LIU Hu

2013, 34 (2): 240-247   

Effects of Vortex Shedding Position and Temperature on Vortex-Acoustic Pressure Oscillation Characteristics

SU Wan-xing, LI Jun-wei,ZHANG Qiao, YE Qing-qing,WANG Ning-fei

2013, 34 (2): 248-253   

Effects of Bearing Supporting Stiffness on Dynamic Stability of Turbopump Rotor System in Liquid Rocket Engine

DOU Wei1, CHU Bao-xin1, LIU Zhan-sheng2

2013, 34 (2): 254-262   

Improved Fuzzy Membership Method in FSVM for Aeroengine Vibration Performance Fusion Analysis

GUO Zhi-wei1,2, FEI Cheng-wei2, BAI Guang-chen2

2013, 34 (2): 263-268   

Control ,Measurement and Fault Diagnosis

A Design Method Using Radial Series of Combination Vortex Pump

FU Jiang-feng1,LI Hua-cong1,HAN Xiao-bao1,WANG Shu-hong2

2013, 34 (2): 269-272   

Material,Propellant and Fuel

Numerical Simulation of Solid Propellant Mesoscopic Damage Using Surface-Based Cohesive Approach

ZHI Shi-jun, SUN Bing, ZHANG Jian-wei

2013, 34 (2): 273-279   

Cumulative Damage Analysis of Solid Rocket Motor Grain under Temperature Loading

DENG Bin1, YANG Dong2, DUAN Jing-bo1, SHEN Zhi-bin1

2013, 34 (2): 280-284   

Investigation on Combustion Properties of Hydrogen Storage Alloy/AP/HTPB Propellant

DOU Yan-meng, LUO Yun-jun, LI Guo-ping, GE Zhen

2013, 34 (2): 285-288