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Current Issue

Progress on Key Technologies of Hypersonic Aerospace Plane with Pre-Cooled Combined Propulsion

DENG Fan1,2,TAN Hui-jun3,DONG Hao4,FU Qiu-jun1,CHEN Jun1

2018, 39 (1): 1-13   


Analysis on Characteristics of Mode Transition Performance of Variable Cycle Engine with FLADE

ZHANG Xiao-bo,WANG Zhan-xue,ZHOU Hong

2018, 39 (1): 14-22   


Analysis of Optimization of Lean and Sweep Influence on Highly Loaded Transonic Tandem Rotor

SONG Zhao-yun,LIU Bo,ZHANG Peng,MAO Xiao-chen

2018, 39 (1): 23-32   

Numerical Investigation on Effects of Endwall Synthetic Jet on Vortex and Flow Losses in a High-Loaded Turbine Cascade

YU Hong-shi,WANG Zhi-heng,XI Guang

2018, 39 (1): 33-45   

Investigation of Performance Improvement for Axial Flow Compressor with Slots Casing Treatment with Inlet Distortion

ZHANG Hao-guang1,TAN Feng1,AN Kang1,CHU Wu-li1,2,WU Yan-hui1,2

2018, 39 (1): 46-58   

Numerical Simulation and Optimal Design for Kerosene-Based Turbine with Low Pressure Ratio

JIN Xuan1,2,SHEN Chi-bing1,2,WU Xian-yu1,2,TIAN Zheng-yu1

2018, 39 (1): 59-67   

Effects of Tip-Clearance on Unsteady Exciting Force and Down-Stream Stator Vibration

WEN An-jian,LUO Xiao-tian,MA Wei,TENG Jin-fang

2018, 39 (1): 68-75   

Effects of Pressure Side Winglet on Aerodynamic Performance of High Subsonic Compressor Cascade with Different Incidences

WU Wan-yang,ZHONG Jing-jun,HAN Shao-bing

2018, 39 (1): 76-85   

Numerical Simulation of Radar Scattering Characteristics of Axisymmetric Plug Nozzle

CHEN Ling-ling,YANG Qing-zhen,CHEN Li-hai,SHI Yong-qiang

2018, 39 (1): 86-91   

Improvement in Time Efficiency in Numerical Simulationfor Solid Propellant Rocket Motors (SPRM)

Valeriy BUCHARSKYI1,ZHANG Li-hui2,WAN Yi-lun2

2018, 39 (1): 92-99   

Study on Characteristics of Mixing of Hollow-Cone Spray and Crossflow

SHENG Gang-hao1,ZHANG Hai-bin1,BAI Bo-feng2

2018, 39 (1): 100-106   

Combustion Behavior of n-Decane in a Scramjet Model Combustor

CHEN Qi-dian,ZHANG Chi,LIU Wei,WU Xian,WANG Jian-chen

2018, 39 (1): 107-115   

Numerical Investigations on Influence Factors of Leakage Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Brush Seal

ZHANG Yuan-qiao1,YAN Jia-chaO2,LI Jun1

2018, 39 (1): 116-124   

Effects of Squealer Tip Cutbacks on Tip Leakage Flow and Film-Cooling Characteristics

CHENG Feng-na1,CHANG Hai-ping1,ZHANG Jing-yang2,TIAN Xing-jiang1,DU Zhi-neng3

2018, 39 (1): 125-133   

Experimental Investigation of Film Cooling Performance on a Rotating Model with Anti-Vortex Hole

CHENG Hui-chuan,WU Hong,LI Yu-long,DING Shui-ting

2018, 39 (1): 134-141   

Coupled Heat Transfer Predictions of Thermal Environment for a Turbine Rotor

ZHANG Tian-yi1,2,LI Wan-rong1,YU Yang1,LEI Ming1,LIANG Xin-gang2

2018, 39 (1): 142-151   

Generation Mechanism and Influence Factors Analysis of Rocket Ignition Pressure Pulse

XIE Jian1,XIE Zheng1,CHANG Zheng-yang2,DU Wen-zheng1,QUAN Hui1

2018, 39 (1): 152-159   

Structure, Strength and Reliablity

Robustness Optimization of Dynamic Assembly Parameters for Aero-Engine Spline Structure

CHEN Zhi-ying,LIU Hong-lei,ZHOU Ping

2018, 39 (1): 160-168   

A New Strain-Life Model Accounting for Effects of Various Strain Ratios

SU Yun-lai,LU Shan

2018, 39 (1): 169-175   

Test,Experiment and Control

Joint Part Based Dynamic Property Optimum of Force Measuring System in Impulse Combustion Wind Tunnel

LI Shi-chao1,GAO Hong-li1,LIU Wei-xiong2,ZHANG Xiao-qing2,LIU Bo-kai1

2018, 39 (1): 176-184   

Research of Mode Identification and Error Transfer Property on Fan Tonal Noise

XU Kun-bo1,QIAO Wei-yang1,HUO Shi-yu2,WEI Ren-ke1,TONG Fan1

2018, 39 (1): 185-195   

Material,Propellant and Fuel

Pre-Injection of Cracked Hydrocarbon Fuel in Hypersonic Inlets

ZHU Cheng-xiang,HUANG Yu-rou,CHEN Rong-qian,YOU Yan-cheng

2018, 39 (1): 196-202   

Analysis of Atomization Field Velocity of Carbon-Loaded Gelled Propellants Based on SIFT Algorithm

SHI Chao1,QIANG Hong-fu1,LIU Hu2,FU You-ming3

2018, 39 (1): 203-211   

Ship Propulsion

Dynamic Real-Time Simulation of Triaxial Marine Gas Turbine with Variable Power Turbine Guide Vane

WANG Tao1,2,YIN Zhao1,TIAN Yong-sheng1,GAO Qing1,2,TAN Chun-qing1,2

2018, 39 (1): 212-219   

Electric Propulsion and Other Advanced Propulsion

Integrated Test of LHT-100 Hall Electric Propulsion System

TIAN Li-cheng,ZHAO Cheng-ren,ZHANG Tian-ping,GU Zuo,GUO Ning,GAO Jun,WANG Meng,LI Xing-kun,ZHANG Bao-ping,HU Xiang-yu,CHENG Bin

2018, 39 (1): 220-230   

Effects of Magnetic Circuit Temperature on Discharge Thermal Stability of a Hall Thruster

LI Hong1,WU You1,ZHANG Xing-haO2,HAN Liang1,YU Da-ren1

2018, 39 (1): 231-240