推进技术 ›› 1988, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (1): 67-71.

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  • 发布日期:2021-08-15

Thermodynamic Duct Jet Engine of Three Model-New Type of Space Plane Main Engine

  • Published:2021-08-15

摘要: 三模态热管式喷气发动机是在同一热管(燃烧室)中,按照航天飞机在起飞,加速爬升到高空高速和进入稀薄大气层飞行阶段,依次进入脉动式、冲压式和火箭三种工作模态。计算表明:用液氢燃料的三模态热管式喷气发动机,完全满足单级入轨、水平起降航天飞机从起飞到入轨全航程的推力要求。

关键词: 航天飞机主发动机;混合式发动机;航空航天飞机

Abstract: The thermodynamic duct jet engine of three model suceessively gets into pulse, ram and racket model in the same combustion chamber, when shuttle fly in the time that in lift-off,climbing to upper air and accelerate to more mach and into thin atmospheric air.Calculated. PRRD jet engine used liquids hydrogen meets one’s demands of thrust on all range from lift-off to orbit for single-stage vehicle of horizontal-take-off.

Key words: Space shuttle main engine;Compound engine;Aerospace plane