推进技术 ›› 1989, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (6): 1-7.
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摘要: 卅年来,固体火箭发动机一直是航天推进领域的支柱之一.由于它具有成本低、可靠性高、现实性强等特点,在各种航天推进系统,特别是运载火箭助推器、空间发动机和分离、逃逸发动机中得到广泛应用.本文详述国外航天用固体火箭发动机的发展历程、应用背景和发展前景.
关键词: 固体火箭发动机;航天推进;述评
Abstract: As one of the main propulsion devices in aerospace field, solid rocket motors have been widely used as boosters of launch vehicles, space motors, escape and separation motors for thirty years.It has been indicated that the reliability of the solid rocket motors is comparable or superior to the liquid rocket engines, while their cost is lower than the latter. These advantages continuously exsist and further develop in the next generation of the space transportation system.The developing history, the application background and the future of the foreign solid rocket motors used in space are discussed in this paper.
Key words: Space propulsion;Solid rocket engine;Review
张德雄. 国外航天用固体火箭发动机评述[J]. 推进技术, 1989, 10(6): 1-7.
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