推进技术 ›› 1993, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2): 53-56.

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  1. 上海新新机器厂
  • 发布日期:2021-08-15


  1. Shanghai Xin Xin Machinery Plant
  • Published:2021-08-15

摘要: 运用光学显微镜和电子显微镜的实验手段,研究了某火箭发动机涡轮泵零组件表面麻坑的各种动态特征和非金属零件局部缺损及变形的特点。用俄歇表层和红外光谱分析弄清了零件表面污染层成分和结构。得出了金属材料表面的麻坑和非金属材料的局部缺损与变形破坏的性质均属高速流动的固体微粒和气泡溃灭所产生的一种撞击冲蚀缺陷,其破坏机理以机械磨损为主。从零件表面污染层成分与结构来看,冲蚀破坏时有动能转换为热能的迹象。

关键词: 涡轮泵零部件;冲蚀;分析

Abstract: The dynamic properties of surface pitting of the turbine pump metal parts of certain rocket engine and the properties of local damage and deformation of the nonmetal parts of the pump were investigated by means of optical microscope and electron microscope. The composition and construction of surface staning coatings of pump parts were measured with the Auger Electron Spectroscopic Analysis and Infrared Spectroscopic Analysis. The results showed that the surface pitting of metal parts and the local damage and deformation of nonmetal parts are all impingement erosion defects engendered by solid particles in speed flow and cavity collapse. The damage are mainly caused by machinery wear. In terms of the composition and construction of surface saining coatings, it seems that kin etic energy disspateS and is converted into heat energy when erosion occurs.

Key words: Turbine pump;Part;Impingement corrosion;Analyzing