推进技术 ›› 1996, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (4): 61-68.

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  1. 北京丰源机械研究所
  • 发布日期:2021-08-15
  • 基金资助:


  1. Beijing Fengyuan Machinery Iust., Beijing, 100076
  • Published:2021-08-15

摘要: 火箭型单级入轨(SSTO)是今后的发展方向之一,从多方面分析了火箭型单级入轨(SSTO)方案的可能性,简要回顾了SSTO的发展历史,特别对三角快帆(DC-Clipper)作了分析,认为采取多项先进技术后是完全可以实现的。明确了单级入轨的两个基本方向:提高比冲和降低结构重量。分析了采用不同形式发动机的影响,列出了主要关键技术,最后提出了几个有参考价值的观点。

关键词: 火箭推进;单级入轨飞行器;结构重量分析

Abstract: Rocket Propulsion Single Stage To Orbit (SSTO)transportation vehicle is a verycharming research and a developing area. It is also one of directions to future rocket development. Theanalysis about rocket propulsion single stage to orbit is objective and comprehensive. The history ofSSTO is concisely retrospected especially in Delta Clipper made by MDAC. The weight analysis onSSTO is completed briefly. Two basic principles put forward by the paper clearly in developing SSTOare: improving specific impulse and reducing construction weights. Various kinds of engine cycles areanalyzed. Key technologies in developing SSTO have been listed. Finally, the conclusions and suggestion about SSTO development have been mentioned.In the view of the national benefits and commercial profit, the SSTO is feasible in USA. TheSSTO and reusability are not firmly relevant concepts. SSTO requires advanced technologies based onsolid astronautical and whole industrial levels. It is high risk, so reusability must be carried on bySSTO. On the other hand the main purpose of reusability is lowering cost. Its key point is that it mustbe adapted to the technology bases, or the lowering cost is imposible. The shortcoming of LH2/LOXrocket engines is that the thrust is minimum on the ground but the required thrust must be maximum. The three ways to meet the requirement are box,ster, spike nozzle and tri-propellant rocket engine. The sensitivity of mass is very important to SSTO. The combination of advanced technologiesmust be taken. Because of low level technology comparing to that of USA. SSTO or airbreathingpropulsion TSTO is suit for China strongly according to the progress and economics.

Key words: Rocket propulsion;Single stage to orbit vehicle;Weight analysis