推进技术 ›› 1998, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 7-10.

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  1. 上海动力机械研究所
  • 发布日期:2021-08-15


  1. Shanghai Inst.of Power Machinery,Shanghai,200120
  • Published:2021-08-15

摘要: 介绍了本所研制的微型变轨发动机,其主要技术特点是双组元差动式电磁阀、层板喷注器、C/C推力室以及喷注器与推力室的焊接联接。试车表明,该发动机性能稳定、工作可靠,满足设计要求。

关键词: 双元推进剂火箭发动机;微型火箭发动机;推力控制;变轨控制

Abstract: The technical features of the bipropellant miniature divert thrusters developed in this institute were briefly described.It is well known that this type of thrusters should meet the requirements of light weight,fast response and small minimum impulse when used for terminal guidance of space vehicles.To achieve this,new design concepts and technical approaches were applied in present thrusters,including bipropellant torque motor solenoid valve,platelet injector,C/C thruster chamber,and welded joint between metallic and non metallic materials,etc.As a result,a series of test firings were successfully implemented with the thrusters.

Key words: Bipropellant rocket engine;Microrocket engine;Thrust control;Transfer orbital control