推进技术 ›› 2001, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (4): 329-331.

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  1. 上海新力动力设备研究所!上海200125
  • 发布日期:2021-08-15

Effect of propellant loading technique on the burning rate of solid rocket motor

  1. Shanghai Xinli Power Equipment Inst., Shanghai 200125, China
  • Published:2021-08-15

摘要: 结合某固体发动机的研制 ,利用数理统计方法 ,将两种药柱制造工艺 (带芯浇注工艺与插芯工艺 )对其燃速的影响作了分析。结果表明 ,在 - 40℃下 ,两种工艺状态下的平均燃速有显著差别。

关键词: 固体火箭推进剂;制造工艺;数理统计;平均燃速

Abstract: During the manufacture process of the grain in solid rocket motor, the manufacture technique is able to affect its burning rate. Based on the development of the solid rocket motor of a missile, the effect of two manufacturing techniques of grain on the burning rate was analyzed using mathematical statistical method. The result shows that the average burning rates of two manufacturing techniques at -40℃have obvious difference.

Key words: Solid rocket propellant;Manufacturing technique;Mathematical statistical;Average burning rate