Journal of Propulsion Technology ›› 2020, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (10): 2228-2236.DOI: 10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190803

• Aero-thermodynamics • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Simulation Study of Arc Discharge Plasma Actuator for Supersonic Compressor Cascade Shock Wave/Boundary Layer Interaction Control


  1. 1.Science and Technology on Plasma Dynamics Laboratory,Aeronautics Engineering College, Air Force Engineering University,Xi’an 710038,China;2.School of Power and Energy,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an 710072,China
  • Published:2021-08-15



  1. 1.空军工程大学 航空工程学院 等离子体动力学重点实验室,陕西 西安 710038;2.西北工业大学 动力与能源学院,陕西 西安 710072
  • 作者简介:盛佳明,硕士生,研究领域为等离子体流动控制。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: In order to study the control effect of the arc discharge plasma actuator for the supersonic compressor cascade shock wave/boundary layer interaction, a phenomenological model for simulating the effect of plasma actuation was first established, and the ARL-SL19 supersonic cascade was taken as a research object. The interaction between the arc discharge plasma with the internal flow of the cascade passage and effects of the interaction on the cascade flow loss were studied by numerical simulation. The results show that the plasma phenomenological model can better simulate the aerodynamic characteristics of shock waves induced by arc discharge plasma. The arc discharge plasma has three main effects on the internal flow of the cascade passage: in the discharge region, the injected heat has blocking effect, which increases the flow loss of the near wall airflow; in the shock wave/ boundary layer interaction region, the shock wave system structure can be changed and the shock wave loss can be reduced; in the wake region, the shock wave induces a shedding vortex.

Key words: Plasma;Flow control;Supersonic cascade;Shock wave/boundary layer interaction;Numerical simulation

摘要: 为研究电弧放电等离子体激励对超声速压气机叶栅激波/边界层干扰的控制作用,建立了模拟等离子体激励作用效果的唯象学模型,进一步以ARL-SL19超声速叶栅为对象,通过数值仿真研究了电弧放电等离子体与叶栅通道内部流动的相互作用及其对叶栅流动损失的影响。结果表明:等离子体唯象学模型能够较好模拟电弧放电等离子体诱导产生冲击波的气动特性。电弧放电等离子体激励对叶栅通道内部流动主要具有三种作用效果:在放电区,注入的热量会产生阻塞效应,增加近壁面气流的流动损失;在激波/边界层相互作用区,能够改变激波系结构,减小激波损失;在尾迹区,冲击波会诱导产生脱落涡。

关键词: 等离子体;流动控制;超声速叶栅;激波/边界层干扰;数值仿真