Journal of Propulsion Technology ›› 2019, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (1): 95-106.

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Supercritical Heat Transfer Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Fuel with Pyrolysis in Corrugated Tubes


  1. Aeronautics and Astronautics,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China,Aeronautics and Astronautics,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China and Aeronautics and Astronautics,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China
  • Published:2021-08-15



  1. 大连理工大学航空航天学院,辽宁大连 116024,大连理工大学航空航天学院,辽宁大连 116024,大连理工大学航空航天学院,辽宁大连 116024
  • 作者简介:黄世璋,博士生,研究领域为超临界碳氢燃料传热。 E-mail: 通讯作者:朱强华,博士,讲师,研究领域为叶轮机气动热力学。
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金( 11672061);中央高校基本科研业务费( DUT17LK58)资助项目。

Abstract: In order to investigate the feasibility of corrugated cooling channel for regenerative cooling sys.tem of hydrocarbon-fueled engine,a numerical method considering convective heat transfer,endothermic pyro. lytic reaction,and heat conduction in solid region simultaneously was developed based on a one-step thermal cracking mechanism. Based on this,a numerical investigation on turbulent heat transfer of n-decane flowing in.side corrugated tubes with endothermic pyrolysis at supercritical pressure was conducted. The effects of corrugat.ed tube structures on heat transfer,species transport and endothermic pyrolysis were analyzed through compari. son with smooth tube. Moreover,the influence of wall heat fluxes was further studied. Results reveal that corrugat.ed tubes can significantly improve the heat transfer ability,and the averaged convective heat transfer coefficient increase by up to 40%.The velocity fluctuations induced by corrugation lead to more uniform distribution of tem.perature and species concentration in radial direction. It can also reduce the pyrolytic heat-absorbing rate and av.eraged fuel conversion. With the increasing wall heat fluxes ranging from 0.8MW/m2 to 1.0MW/m2,the overall thermal performance and pyrolytic heat-absorbing rate are

Key words: Supercritical pressure;Hydrocarbon;Corrugated tube;Pyrolysis;Active regenerative cool.

摘要: 为了探究波纹型冷却通道在碳氢燃料发动机再生冷却系统中的适用性,基于一步总包反应机理,建立了同时考虑碳氢燃料流动传热、裂解吸热与固体导热的耦合算法,在此基础上对超临界压力下正癸烷在波纹管内的流动传热和裂解吸热现象展开数值研究。通过与光滑管进行对比,分析了波纹结构对管内热量传递、组分输运和裂解反应吸热的影响,进一步研究了不同壁面热流下的裂解传热特性。研究表明:波纹管可以显著提升燃料的换热能力,平均对流换热系数最高可提升 40%;波纹管内的速度波动使流场内温度和组分浓度在径向的分布更加均匀,同时降低了正癸烷的裂解吸热率和平均裂解转化率;壁面热流在 0.8MW/m2~1.0MW/m2变化时,正癸烷裂解吸热率和综合换热性能随热流的增加而增加。

关键词: 超临界压力;碳氢燃料;波纹管;热解;主动再生冷却