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Current Issue


Investigation on Basic Flowfield with Controlled Mach Number Gradient for Hypersonic Inward Turning Inlets

ZHU Wei, ZHANG Kun-yuan, NAN Xiang-jun

2013, 34 (4): 433-438   

Air Bleeding Characteristics Calculation Method for Aircraft Auxiliary Power Unit

SU San-mai1, SUN Mu-qiao1,TIAN Hong-xing2,LI Shi1

2013, 34 (4): 439-444   

Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement and Infrared Suppressing Characteristics from Hot Jet by Using Radiation Plate

ZHANG Bo1, JI Hong-hu1,HUANG Wei1, CAI Xu1,ZHANG Zong-bin2, LUO Ming-dong2

2013, 34 (4): 445-450   

Optimization Design of the Dual Throat Fluidic Thrust Vectoring Nozzle Based on RBF and PSO

WU Zheng-ke, YANG Qing-zhen, SHI Yong-qiang, LI Yue-feng

2013, 34 (4): 451-456   

Quasi-Two-Dimensional Evaluation of the Scramjet Performance

REN Xin,LUO Chun-qin,DONG Jian-ming,GUO Xue-lian,MA Xue-song

2013, 34 (4): 457-462   

Numerical Study of the Over-Under TBCC Exhaust System

MO Jian-wei, XU Jing-lei, QIAO Song-song

2013, 34 (4): 463-469   

Investigation on Factors Affecting the Measurement Aceuracy for Inlet Flow Coefficient in Hypersonic Wind Tunnel

ZHANG Shao-wu1,GUAN Xiang-dong2,ZHU Tao1,ZHU Shou-mei2,3,ZOU Qiong-fen1, CAO Cheng1

2013, 34 (4): 470-476   

Ship Propulsion

Superposition of Influences from Wake and Potential Field with Equal and Unequal Frequency in an Axial-Radial Combined Compressor

ZHAO Ben1,YANG Ce1, LAO Da-zhong2,ZHANG Wei-zheng1

2013, 34 (4): 477-485   

Three Dimensional Swept Rotor Blade Optimization Design for a Counter-Rotating Compressor

CAO Zhi-yuan, LIU Bo, ZHANG Guo-chen, YANG Xiao-dong, CHEN De-sheng, LI Jun

2013, 34 (4): 486-492   

Numerical Investigation of Effects of Vitiated Air on Scramjet Performance

GUO Shuai-fan,SONG Wen-yan, LI Jian-ping, CHEN Liang

2013, 34 (4): 493-498   

Numerical Simulation on Effects of Different Film Cooling Holes on Plate

ZHU Yan-xin1, TAN Xiao-ming1,GUO Wen2,ZHANG Jing-zhou1

2013, 34 (4): 499-505   

Enhanced Ignition Experiment with Oxygen Addition into Cavity in Scramjet

XI Wen-xiong,WANG Zhen-guo,LI Qing,LIU Wei-dong

2013, 34 (4): 506-511   

Investigation on Aerothermodynamic Simulation Technology for Thermal Environment of Engine Combustor Inner Surface Material

TU Jian-qiang1, CHEN Lian-zhong1, WANG Qin2, MA Xue-song2, JIAO Ting-you2, CHEN Feng1

2013, 34 (4): 512-519   

Fault Analysis of Rotor with Rub-Impact and Crack Based on Time-Frequency Analysis

TAO Hai-liang1,2, ZUO Zhi-tao1,2,GAO Qing1,3,TAN Chun-qing1,3

2013, 34 (4): 520-528   

Nonlinear Dynamic Probabilistic Analysis of Turbine Disk Radial Deformation Based on ERSM

WANG Gui-hua,FEI Cheng-wei,BAI Guang-chen

2013, 34 (4): 529-536   

Effects of Coolant Parameters on Low Cycle Fatigue Life of Milled Channel Nozzle

CHENG Cheng, WANG Yi-bai, LIU Yu, LIU Da-wei

2013, 34 (4): 537-544   

Investigation on Bearing Failure of Ramjet C/SiC Nozzle

LI Zhi-yong1, ZHENG Ri-heng1, LI Li-han1, LIU Xiao-ying2,ZHAO Dong-lin2,CHEN Bo2,CHENG Lai-fei2,ZHANG Li-tong2

2013, 34 (4): 545-550   

Control ,Measurement and Fault Diagnosis

Pressure Close Loop Fuzzy Control Method of a Flow Adjustable Gas Generator

NIE Ling-cong1, LIU Zhi-ming1,LIU Yuan-xiang2

2013, 34 (4): 551-556   

Material,Propellant and Fuel

Experimental Investigation for Hygrothermal Accelerated Aging on Adhesive Interface of Solid Rocket Motor

ZHANG Xiao-jun, CHANG Xin-long

2013, 34 (4): 557-561   

Numerical Investigation of H2O/CO2Vitiation Effects on Kerosene-Fueled Supersonic Combustion

LI Jian-ping, SONG Wen-yan, LUO Fei-teng, CHEN Liang

2013, 34 (4): 562-571   

New Propulsion System

Micro-Impulse Measurement of MEMS Solid Propellant Thruster Array

LI Chuang-xin1,2, YU Xie-zheng1,3,YE Ying-hua1, SHEN Rui-qi1, WANG Cheng-ling1, ZHU Ying1

2013, 34 (4): 572-576