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Current Issue


Research on Influence of Tip Clearance Effects on

LIU Bo,MAO Xiao-chen,ZHANG Peng,YANG Xi-qiong,XIA Shu-dan

2016, 37 (8): 1401-1410   

Advances in 2D Shock Reflection Hysteresis Phenomenon

FAN Xiao-qiang1,TAO Yuan1,LI Teng-ji1,ZHAO Peng-feng2

2016, 37 (8): 1411-1421   

Experimental Investigation on Supercritical Evaporation of


2016, 37 (8): 1422-1430   

A New Diagnosis Method Based on Continuous Wavelet

WANG Xiao-long,TANG Gui-ji

2016, 37 (8): 1431-1437   

Drag Reduction on Multi-Bump Technology Based on Free-Form Deformation Method for Flying Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Coupled with Intake and Exhaust System

ZHANG Le1,2,ZHOU Zhou2,XU Xiao-ping2

2016, 37 (8): 1438-1446   

Fluid-Structure Vibration Analysis of an Supersonic Intake

YAO Cheng,ZHANG Guang-hui,LIU Zhan-sheng

2016, 37 (8): 1447-1454   

Experimental Studies of Osculating Inward Turning

ZHOU Zheng,HE Xu-zhao,WEI Feng,LE Jia-ling

2016, 37 (8): 1455-1460   

Ship Propulsion

Effects of Rotor Vibration on Straight-Through

JIA Xing-yun1,WANG Jia-ning2,ZHANG Hai1,ZHENG Qun1

2016, 37 (8): 1461-1468   

Optimization of Tandem Blade Based on Modified

SONG Zhao-yun,LIU Bo,CHENG Hao,MAO Xiao-chen

2016, 37 (8): 1469-1476   

Effects of Axial Ratio of Ellipse of Blade Leading Edge on Performance of a Centrifugal Impeller

DONG Lei,CAO Li-xin

2016, 37 (8): 1477-1484   

Prognostication for Effects of Swirl Distortion on Compressor Performance with Modified Parallel Compressor Model

HU Wei-bo,CHENG Bang-qin,CHEN Zhi-min,WANG Hao,LI Jun

2016, 37 (8): 1485-1489   

Instability Mechanism Analysis with Transonic Compressor

HU Jia-guo,WANG Ru-gen,LI Kun,HE Cheng,SONG Hao-lin

2016, 37 (8): 1490-1499   

Predicting Loading Noise of Propeller Based on Fan

LIU Qiang,WANG Yong-sheng,SU Yong-sheng

2016, 37 (8): 1500-1506   

Combustion , Heat and Mass Transfer

Analysis for Effects of Active Radical on Cracked

SHEN Shuang-yan,JIN Xing,ZHANG Peng

2016, 37 (8): 1507-1514   

Investigation of Flow Rate Characteristics of Coal

LI Hui1,2,GONG Jing-song1,PIAO Ying1,LU Qi-zhi1,LIU Hai1,CUI Jian2

2016, 37 (8): 1515-1521   

Investigation of a Hybrid Central Difference-WENO

LIU Zhao-yang,WANG Zhen-guo,SUN Ming-bo,WANG Hong-bo

2016, 37 (8): 1522-1528   

Effects of Submerged Nozzle on Stability of

SU Wan-xing,LI Yao-jian,CHEN Sheng-ze,LI Ji

2016, 37 (8): 1529-1534   

Numerical Study on Film Cooling Characteristics for

WANG Min-min1,SHAN Yong1,LI Jiang-ning2,ZHAO Wei2

2016, 37 (8): 1535-1542   

Effects of Squealer Tip Suction Side Cutback on Tip Leakage

CHENG Feng-na1,CHANG Hai-ping1,ZHANG Jing-yang2,TIAN Xing-jiang1,DU Zhi-neng3

2016, 37 (8): 1543-1550   

Structure, Strength and Reliablity

Mechanical Modeling and Stress Suppression on

MA Yan-hong1,2,CAO Chong1,ZHANG Da-yi1,ZHANG Ji-xin1,HONG Jie1,2

2016, 37 (8): 1551-1559   

Experimental Investigation for Effects of Static Eccentricity on Vibration Attenuating Characteristics of Squeeze Film Damper

LIU Zhan-chi1,LIAO Ming-fu1,CONG Pei-hong2,LI Yan1,WANG Juan2,WANG Si-ji1

2016, 37 (8): 1560-1568   

Research of Liquid-Propellant Rocket Engine Failure Prediction Method Based on Error Predicting Correlation

NIE Yao,WU Jian-jun

2016, 37 (8): 1569-1578   

Material,Propellant and Fuel

An Experimental Investigation of Aluminum

LIU Xin,LIU Pei-jin,JIN Bing-ning,YANG Tian-hao,WEI Xiang-geng

2016, 37 (8): 1579-1585   

Fast Calculation Method on Physical Properties in

CHENG Ze-yuan,ZHU Jian-qin

2016, 37 (8): 1586-1593   

Electric Propulsion and Other Advanced Propulsion

Numerical Simulation of Segmented Faraday MHD Power Generation Channel Flow Field Characteristics

ZHANG Bai-ling1,DUAN Cheng-duo1,LI Yi-wen1,2,GAO Ling1,WANG Yu-tian1,ZHU Tao3

2016, 37 (8): 1594-1600