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Current Issue


Study on Deep Variable Thrust System of LOX/Kerosene High Pressure Staged Combustion Engine

TAN Yong-hua1,DU Fei-ping2,CHEN Jian-hua2,ZHANG MiaO2

2018, 39 (6): 1201-1209   

Robust Optimization Design Based on Mean Value First Order Second Moment Method

CHEN Zhi-ying,ZHOU Ping,ZHENG Jia-xiang

2018, 39 (6): 1210-1216   

Experimental Research on Effects of Propellant Total Mass Flow Rate on Performance of Continuous Rotating Detonation Engine

LI Bao-xing,WENG Chun-sheng,ZHENG Quan,WU Yu-wen,WEI Wan-li

2018, 39 (6): 1217-1226   

Effects of Afterburning on Infrared Radiation Characteristics of Liquid Rocket Exhaust Plume

REN Hong-fan,ZHU Ding-qiang

2018, 39 (6): 1227-1233   

Experimental Investigation on High Temperature Starting of Carrier Based Aircraft Engine

XING Yang,LI Zhao-hong,GUO Hai-hong,WANG Chang-liang,CUI Jin-hui,ZHAI Zheng

2018, 39 (6): 1234-1239   


Shock Wave Control in Highly-Loaded Turbine Rotor Blade Using an Inverse Method

YANG Jin-guang,XU Le,LIU Yan,ZHANG Min

2018, 39 (6): 1240-1249   

Effects of Separation Control Using Slot Jet Approach in Critically Loaded Compressor Cascade

WANG Ru-gen1,HU Jia-guo1,2,LI Ren-kang1,LI Shao-wei3

2018, 39 (6): 1250-1259   

Effects of Blade-Angle Skewed Slots Casing Treatment on Compressor Performance

ZHANG Hao-guang1,AN Kang1,CHU Wu-li1,2,TAN Feng1,ZHANG Xu-dong1

2018, 39 (6): 1260-1266   

Effects of Fluid-Thermal-Structural Coupling on Inlet Parameters of Hypersonic Intake

DAI Guang-yue,JIA Hong-yin,ZENG Lei,LIU Lei,QIU Bo

2018, 39 (6): 1267-1274   

Experimental Research on Noise of Single-Stage Low-Speed Axial Compressor

LI Zhi-bin,WANG Xiao-yu,SUN Xiao-feng,SUN Da-kun,WANG Xu-li

2018, 39 (6): 1275-1282   

Investigation on Compressor Dynamic Stall Characteristics with Circumferential Inlet Distortion

CHEN Feng,SHI Pei-jie,LIU Dong-jian,MA Hu-sheng,YANG Ke

2018, 39 (6): 1283-1292   

Effects of Vane Trailing Edge Shockwave on Rotor Blade Leading Edge Film Cooling Effectiveness in Transonic Turbine Stage

WANG Yu-feng,CAI Le,WANG Song-tao,ZHOU Xun

2018, 39 (6): 1293-1300   

Modeling of Formation NOx in Bluff-Body Stabilized Flame Using FGM

TANG Jun,SONG Wen-yan,XIAO Yin-li

2018, 39 (6): 1301-1311   

Effects of Combustion Chamber Configuration on Characteristic of Solid Fuel Ramjet Self-Sustaining Combustion in Swirl Flow

LI Wei-xuan1,CHEN Xiong1,ZHOU Chang-sheng1,DU Hong-ying2

2018, 39 (6): 1312-1322   

Experimental Study on Particle Deposition of Plate Surface with Film Cooling

YANG Xiao-jun1,2,CUI Mo-han1,LIU Zhi-gang1

2018, 39 (6): 1323-1330   

Multi-Objective Optimization on Regenerative Cooling Structure of Scramjet

QIN Ang1,ZHANG Deng-cheng1,WEI Yang1,ZHOU Zhang-wen1,ZHANG Jiu-xing2

2018, 39 (6): 1331-1339   

Experimental and Numerical Study on Channel Flow of Porous Wall in Transpiration Cooling

ZHAO Guang-bo1,XIAO Xue-feng1,YI Jun1,ZHOU Wei-xing2

2018, 39 (6): 1340-1346   

Experimental Researches on Lean Blowout Performance of a Variable Geometry Single-Cavity Trapped Vortex Combustor

ZHU Yi-xiao,HE Xiao-min,YE Zheng-yuan,JIANG Ping

2018, 39 (6): 1347-1353   

Structure, Strength and Reliablity

Modeling of Tangential Contact Stiffness in a Blade Underplatform Damper and Its Microslip Friction

LUO Yang-xiong1,2,3,JIANG Xiang-hua1,2,3,WANG Yan-rong1,2,3

2018, 39 (6): 1354-1360   

An Efficient Design Method of an Underplatform Damper for Suppression of Blade Vibration in a Given Eigen-Mode

MAO Xin-nan1,2,WANG Yan-rong1,2

2018, 39 (6): 1361-1368   

Simulation Study on Vibration Control of Variable Stiffness Structure with Shape Memory Alloy

HONG Jie1,2,ZHENG Hua-qiang1,YANG Xin1

2018, 39 (6): 1369-1378   

Research on Pitting Corrosion Nucleating Fatigue Crack Behavior of LC4CZ Aluminum Alloys in Airport Environment

LIU Zhi-guo1,2,YAN Guang-yaO2,MU Zhi-tao1

2018, 39 (6): 1379-1385   

Random Vibration Fatigue Analysis Method Valid Verification of Thin-Walled Structure under High Temperature Environment

SHA Yun-dong,HU Yi-fei,HU Zeng-hui

2018, 39 (6): 1386-1395   

Test,Experiment and Control

Transient Characteristics Research of Three-Component Force Measurement Balance Based on Inertia Compensation

LV Jin-zhou1,2,CHEN Guang-xiong1,ZHANG Xiao-qing2,ZHAO Xiao-nan1,HE Wei2

2018, 39 (6): 1396-1405   

Measurement Method and It’s Application on Dynamical Stress of a High-Speed Small-Size Turbine Blades

WANG Feng-ming1,2,3,HE Jin4,ZHU Jun-qiang1,2

2018, 39 (6): 1406-1411   

Material,Propellant and Fuel

Study on Combustion Performance of HTPB-Based Fuels Containing Aluminum Particles for Hybrid Propellant

CHEN Su-hang,TANG Yue,XU Zhi-wei,ZHANG Wei,SHEN Rui-qi,YE Ying-hua

2018, 39 (6): 1412-1419   

Laser-Induced Ignition and Combustion Charateristics of Single Aluminum Hydride Particle

ZHANG Fan1,ZHENG Xiong-fei2,HUANG Xue-feng1,LI Sheng-ji3,GUO Yan-hui2,LI He-ping1

2018, 39 (6): 1420-1425   

Electric Propulsion and Other Advanced Propulsion

Beam Characteristics of HET-80 Hall Thruster with 700 Watts

LU Xin1,WANG Xuan2,TANG Hai-bin1,ZHANG Zhe1,KANG Xiao-lu2

2018, 39 (6): 1426-1433   

Investigation of a New Micro-Nano Propulsion Concept

YU Bo1,2,3,JIAO Jiao1,KANG Xiao-lu2,3,ZHAO Qing1

2018, 39 (6): 1434-1440