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Current Issue


Research Progressin Numerical Zooming Technologyof Aero-Engine

WANG Zhan-xue,SONG Fu,ZHOU Li,ZHANG Xiao-bo,ZHANG Ming-yang

2018, 39 (7): 1441-1454   

Research Progresson Ignition Characteristicsof Kerosenein ShockTube

YAO Feng,LIU Jian-zhong,ZHOU Yu-nan,HE Yong

2018, 39 (7): 1455-1463   


Analysison Matching Relationshipin Full Flowpathof Rocket Based Combined CycleEngineat Ramjet Mode

YAN De-kun,HE Guo-qiang,QIN Fei,SHI Lei,WANG Ya-jun

2018, 39 (7): 1464-1471   

Algorithmand Implementationof Automatic Generationof Rigorous Recursive Orbit

ZHANG Chong-nan1,BIAN Yan-shan2,WANG Xi-jing2,TIAN Bin2,HUANG Xiao-feng2

2018, 39 (7): 1472-1478   


Effectsof Continuous Supersonic Jet Pressureon Shock Focusin Two-Dimensional ConcaveCavity

ZHAO Kun,HE Li-ming,ZENG Hao,LIU Sheng-ping

2018, 39 (7): 1479-1493   

Effects of Casing Temperature Boundary Conditionon Performance of a Transonic Rotor

2018, 39 (7): 1486-1493   

Studyof Oscillation Characteristicsof Inletwith High Internal Contraction Ratioin Acceleration Proces

ZHANG Xiao-fei,XU Jing-lei,YU Kai-kai

2018, 39 (7): 1494-1503   

Calculationof Aerodynamic Dampingforan Impeller under Travelling Wave Vibrations


2018, 39 (7): 1504-1514   

Combustion , Heat and Mass Transfer

ANew Thermal Mixing Efficiency Formulaand Its Applicationin Integrated Afterburner

LIU You-hong,DU Li-wei

2018, 39 (7): 1515-1522   

Finite Rate Closure Methodof Chemical Source Termin Supersonic Turbulent Combustion

XIANG Zhou-zheng,YANG Shun-hua

2018, 39 (7): 1523-1528   

Direct Numerical Simulationand Dynamics Analysis ofPrimary Breakupin Liquid Jet

LI Xiao-yue,ZOU Jian-feng,ZHANG Yang,XIE Jia-hua,MA Zhen-hai

2018, 39 (7): 1529-1539   

Numerical Investigationon GlazeIce Accretionwith Evaporationof WaterFilm

SU Chang-ming1,HU Ya-ping1,CAO Guang-zhou2,JI Hong-hu1

2018, 39 (7): 1540-1548   

Numerical Studyon Effectsof Receiver Holes Angles on Flow Characteristicsof Pre-Swirl System

CHEN Fan1,WANG Suo-fang1,ZHANG Guang-yu1,WANG Hai2

2018, 39 (7): 1549-1555   

Effectsof Quasi DCD ischarge Plasmaon Combustionof Hydrocarbon Fuelina Scramjet Combustor

ZHENG Zhi,NIE Wan-sheng,CHE Xue-ke,ZHOU Si-yin

2018, 39 (7): 1556-1561   

Numerical Studyon FlowandHeat Transfer Characteristics of Supercritical RP-3in Inclined Tubes

WANG Long-yun,ZHU Jian-qin,LI Hai-wang,CHENG Ze-yuan

2018, 39 (7): 1562-1567   

Experimental Investigationfor Effectsof Anode Channel Lengthon Characteristicsof Plasma Jet Igniter

DAI Wen-feng1,HE Li-ming1,ZHANG Hua-lei1,CHEN Gao-cheng1,ZHAO Zi-chen1,QI Wen-taO2

2018, 39 (7): 1568-1575   

LESof Combustion Flow Fieldina Practical Aeroengine Combustorwith Two-Stage Counter-Rotating Swirler

ZHOU Yu1,Le Jia-ling1,2,HUANG Yuan2

2018, 39 (7): 1576-1589   

Structure, Strength and Reliablity

Multi-Objective Optimizationon Laser Shock Peening Parameters Basedon Residual Stress

HU Dian-yin1,2,3,LI Jin-jun1,DENG Shan1,GAO Ye1,WANG Rong-qiao1,2,3

2018, 39 (7): 1590-1596   

Vibration Measurementand Characteristics AnalysisofHigh-Speed Rotating Bladesofa Centrifugal Impeller

BIAN Jie,HOU Ming,LIU Chao,HU Guo-an

2018, 39 (7): 1597-1604   

Quantitative Analysisfor Effectsof Supports Stiffness on Whole Aero-Engine Coupling Vibration

QU Mei-jiao1,CHEN Guo1,FENG Guo-quan2

2018, 39 (7): 1605-1616   

Effectsof Random Surface Roughnesson Lubrication Performanceof Journal Bearing Lubricatedwith Non-New


2018, 39 (7): 1617-1625   

Applicationof Improved HybridNeumann-LU Approachon Stochastic Analysisof Mistuned Blisk

GAO Feng,SUN Wei

2018, 39 (7): 1626-1632   

Test,Experiment and Control

Experimental Investigationon WallPressure Characteristicin Hypersonic Combustor

FU Qiang,SONG Wen-yan,WANG Yan-hua,SHI De-yong,HAN Xiao-bao

2018, 39 (7): 1633-1642   

Material,Propellant and Fuel

Time-Temperature Equivalent Researchof Nonlinear Viscoelastic Propertiesof HTPBP ropellant

CAO Yi-jun,HUANG Wei-dong,LI Jin-fei

2018, 39 (7): 1643-1649   

Experimental Studyon Combustion Characteristic of Rocket Engine Basedon Slurry Propellant Containing Aluminum Particles

SHAO Ang1,ZHU Shao-hua1,E Xiu-tian-feng2,PAN Lun2,ZOU Ji-jun2,XU Xu1

2018, 39 (7): 1650-1659   

Measurementof Isobaric Specific Heatof Emulsified Keroseneat Supercritical Pressure

HE Yu-Feng1,GUO Ya-jun1,FENG Song2,BI Qin-Cheng2

2018, 39 (7): 1660-1666   

Ship Propulsion

Studyof Aerodynamic Admittanceof Finite Hydrofoilin Free Stream Turbulence

PU Ji-jun,ZHOU Qi-dou,MENG Qing-chang

2018, 39 (7): 1667-1672   

Electric Propulsion and Other Advanced Propulsion

Experimental Studyofa Mini Inductively Coupled Radio-Frequency Plasma Neutralizer

HE Jian-wu1,2,MA Long-fei1,2,XUE Sen-wen1,2,ZHANG Chu1,2,DUAN Li1,2,KANG Qi1,2

2018, 39 (7): 1673-1680