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Current Issue

  • 2001,Vol 22,No. 6

    15 June 2001

Development and innovation of multi-mode ramjet technology

2001, 22 (6): 441-445   

Investigation of rocket/ramjet with both solid propellant and liquid fuel

2001, 22 (6): 446-450   

Hardware-in-the-loop simulation of a liquid fuel ramjet engine control system

2001, 22 (6): 451-453   

Starting and accelerating model of missile turbojet engine in flight test

2001, 22 (6): 454-457   

Twisted and bowed guide blade technology to improve aero-engine performance

2001, 22 (6): 458-463   

Experimental research on the simulation of distortion flow field for turbojet engine distortion test

2001, 22 (6): 464-467   

Design and optimization method for two dimensional scramjet inlet

2001, 22 (6): 468-472   

Experiment study on supersonic inlet in dual-model scramjet

2001, 22 (6): 473-475   

Research on characteristics of turbojet engine with simple control program

2001, 22 (6): 476-479   

Flow-field computation for turbofan engine combustion chamber

2001, 22 (6): 480-482   

Calculation method for the fan and compressor surge margin in the effect of outside-flow disturb

2001, 22 (6): 483-485   

Modal analysis on middle casing of turbojet engine

2001, 22 (6): 486-488   

Calculation of air mass flow in air breathing engine test

2001, 22 (6): 489-492   

Oil system design of a certain turbo-jet engine

2001, 22 (6): 493-495   

Design for scheme of reliability growth testing of turbojet engine

2001, 22 (6): 496-499   

Numerical investigation on mixing of atomized kerosene in supersonic flow with H2 pilot flame

2001, 22 (6): 500-504   

Numerical investigation on supersonic combustion of hydrogen enhanced by a cavity flame holder

2001, 22 (6): 505-509   

Synthesis and performance of cracking catalyst cuapso-34 for endothermic fuels

2001, 22 (6): 510-513   

Oxidative stability of synthetic high energy density fuel and storage life pridiction

2001, 22 (6): 514-517   

Experimental study on the tribological properties of missile turbojet engine seals

2001, 22 (6): 518-521   

Research on hybrid ceramic bearings for missile turbojet engines

2001, 22 (6): 522-525   

Technologies on high speed drilling deep holes of cast-aluminium thin-wall piece

2001, 22 (6): 526-528