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Current Issue

  • 2003,Vol 24,No. 1

    15 January 2003

Conceptual design model of rocket base combined cycle propulsion system

2003, 24 (1): 1-5   

Transient characteristics during shutdown operation of liquid feed line for attitude control propulsion subsystem

2003, 24 (1): 6-8   

Prediction of acceleration and stability for variable nozzle turbofan engine

2003, 24 (1): 9-11   

Analysis of installation performance of the missile turbojet engine

2003, 24 (1): 12-16   

Multi-fault diagnosis for turbo-pump based on neural network

2003, 24 (1): 17-20   

Aerodynamic stability analysis of inlet total pressure distortion for turbofan

2003, 24 (1): 21-23   

High-accuracy software for misalignment-thrust calculation in rocket nozzle

2003, 24 (1): 24-27   

Experimental and numerical investigation of a swirl atomizer

2003, 24 (1): 28-32   

Turbulent flow calculation for a tail-pipe nozzle using multiblock algorithm and finite volume method

2003, 24 (1): 33-35   

Numerical study on the flowfields of the zero second-flow annular supersonic air ejectors

2003, 24 (1): 36-39   

Influence of propellant crack on turbulence flow in solid rocket motor

2003, 24 (1): 40-42   

Numerical simulation on three-dimensional separation of cooling jet in cascade

2003, 24 (1): 43-46   

Spray characteristics of transverse unlike impinging platelet injector

2003, 24 (1): 47-50   

New model to calculate the film cooling effectiveness

2003, 24 (1): 51-54   

Detection of compressor stall based on wavelet analysis

2003, 24 (1): 55-57   

Flamelet modeling of turbulent jet non-premixed flame

2003, 24 (1): 58-62   

Investigation of deflagration to detonation transition distance in a tube with mixture

2003, 24 (1): 63-66   

Numerical study on chemical mechanism in supersonic H2/Air mixture gas flow

2003, 24 (1): 67-70   

Experimental investigation on combustion instability of tripropellant rocket engine

2003, 24 (1): 71-73   

Effect of chain extender on the mechanical properties of NEPE propellant

2003, 24 (1): 74-79   

Effect of the burning rate regulator on the thermal behavior of RDX/AP/HTPB propellant

2003, 24 (1): 80-82   

Catalysis of nanocomposite CuO·Cr2O3 on thermal decomposition of RDX

2003, 24 (1): 83-86   

Technological methods on increasing storage life of HTPB propellants

2003, 24 (1): 87-89   

High resolution inspecting investigation for inner defect of SRM.

2003, 24 (1): 90-92   

CAD/CAM software for integrated blade of missile turbine engine

2003, 24 (1): 93-96