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Development Status and Key Technologies of Variable Cycle Turbofan-Ramjet Engine

WANG Zhan-xue1, ZHANG Ming-yang2, ZHANG Xiao-bo1, ZHOU Li1

2020, 41 (9): 1921-1934   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200321

Adaptive Modelling for Turbofan Engine in Development Stage

JIA Lin-yuan1,2, CHENG Rong-hui1, ZHANG Zhi-shu1, CHEN Yu-chun2, WANG Xiao-chen2

2020, 41 (9): 1935-1945   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200204


Research Progress on Three-Dimensional Vortex Structures and Formation Mechanism of High-Loaded Compressor Cascades

ZHONG Jing-jun, KAN Xiao-xu

2020, 41 (9): 1946-1957   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200277

Effects of Tip Clearance Size Fluctuation in Actual Operations on Aerodynamic Performance of a Transonic Rotor

MA Chi1,2, GAO Li-min1,2, LI Rui-yu1,2, LI Jie3

2020, 41 (9): 1958-1966   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200287

Stall Warning Method Investigation and Application in an Axial-Flow Compressor with Circumferential Distortion

LIU yang1,2,3,4, LI Ji-chao1,2,3,4, DU Juan1,2,3,4, ZHANG Hong-wu1,2,3,4, NIE Chao-qun1,2,3,4

2020, 41 (9): 1967-1974   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200344

Aero-Thermodynamic Characteristics of Tip Leakage Flow in Turbine Rotor with Squealer Tip

ZOU Zheng-ping1,2, YAO Li-chao1, XUAN Li-ming1, SHAO Fei1,3, HUANG Lin1, HE Xiao-juan1

2020, 41 (9): 1975-1987   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200246

Rotating Effects on Aero-Thermal Performance of a Turbine Cascade with and Without Tip Cooling

ZHANG Min1,2, LIU Yan1, YANG Jin-guang1, YANG Shuai1

2020, 41 (9): 1988-1998   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200140

Numerical Study on Effects of Water Injection Pre-Compressor Cooling on Engine Inlet Temperature and Flow Field Change

LU Yu-ming1, XU Qian-nan2, WU Feng2, ZHANG Hai1

2020, 41 (9): 1999-2010   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190819

Design and Study of Low Loss Integrated Pre-swirl Nozzle

TANG Guo-qing, XUE Wei-peng, ZENG Jun, ZHAO Yun

2020, 41 (9): 2011-2020   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200214

Numerical Study on Effects of Lip Geometric Parameters on Performance of Nacelle Inlet

QI Min, WANG Zhan-xue, ZHOU Li, DENG Wen-jian

2020, 41 (9): 2021-2030   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200215

Aerodynamic Design and Numerical Verification of Low-Speed Simulation Based on Throughflow Program

YANG Xiao-fei, GAO Hai-yang, MENG De-jun

2020, 41 (9): 2031-2037   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200165

Combustion, Heat and Mass Transfer

Review on Fuel Atomization in Aeroengine

YAN Hong1,2,3, CHEN Fu-zhen1,2

2020, 41 (9): 2038-2058   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200333

Numerical Investigation on Resistance Reduction Characteristics of New Finned Vortex Reducer Device

HOU Xiao-ting, WANG Suo-fang, ZHANG Kai, XIA Zi-long

2020, 41 (9): 2059-2069   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200151

Numerical Study on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Internal Cooling Channel with Slit Inclined Ribs

DENG He-fang, JIANG Yu-ting, ZHANG Jian, LU Song-bing, ZHENG Qun

2020, 41 (9): 2070-2076   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200197

Experimental Investigation of Effects of Straight Ribs on Film Cooling Performance of Expanded Cutback Surface for Trailing-Edge

YE Lin1, LIU Cun-liang1,2, YANG Yu-quan1

2020, 41 (9): 2077-2087   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200325

Effects of Fuel Stage on Dynamic Characteristics of Swirling Flame

ZHANG Zhi-hao, GONG Yao-zhen, LIU Xiao, YANG Jia-long, ZHENG Hong-tao

2020, 41 (9): 2088-2098   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200196

Structure, Strength and Reliablity

Review on Dynamic Response and Safety of Engine Structure under Sudden High Energy Load

CHEN Wei1, LIU Lu-lu1, XUAN Hai-jun2, LUO Gang1, ZHAO Zhen-hua1, HAN Jia-qi1, ZHOU Biao1

2020, 41 (9): 2099-2119   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200320

Design for Flutter Suppression of Rotor Blade in a Compressor

LI Di1, ZHANG Xiao-jie2, WANG Yan-rong2

2020, 41 (9): 2120-2129   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200327

Test, Experiment and Control

Development Status of Temperature Measurement Technology for High Speed Propulsion System

FU Meng1, ZHANG Hai-zhou1,2, YIN Jian-feng1, JIANG Ni1, LI Jun-jie1

2020, 41 (9): 2130-2142   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200319

Material,Propellant and Fuel

Research Progress of Oxidation Degradation of SiC/SiC Composites

CHEN Xi-hui1,2, SUN Zhi-gang1,2, NIU Xu-ming1,2, JIANG Rong1,2, GAO Xi-guang1,2, SONG Ying-dong1,2,3

2020, 41 (9): 2143-2160   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200292