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Current Issue


Analysis of Nonlinear Pressure Coupled Response

LIU Pei-jin,JIN Bing-ning,WEI Xiang-geng,YANG Wen-jing,LIU Xin,JI Xiao-ting

2016, 37 (9): 1601-1608   

Numerical Simulation of Spherical Shed Ice

HU Ya-ping,JI Hong-hu,WU Tie-ying,WANG Jian

2016, 37 (9): 1609-1616   

Experimental Study on Performance of Inertial

LI Jie-qiong,WANG Suo-fang,DONG Wei-lin,AI Jun-feng

2016, 37 (9): 1617-1623   

Investigation on Secondary-Flows of a Supersonic Flat-Plate Boundary Layer Induced by Isentropic Sidewall Compression

HE Gang,ZHAO Yu-xin,ZHOU Jin

2016, 37 (9): 1624-1630   

Numerical Study of Turbulence Models in Sajben Diffuser Transonic Separation Flow

YAN Wen-hui1,GAO Ge2

2016, 37 (9): 1631-1637   

Comparative Study on Expansion Characteristics of Round and Rectangular Combustion-Gas Jets in Confined Liquid Medium

HU Zhi-tao,YU Yong-gang

2016, 37 (9): 1638-1648   

Ship Propulsion

Numerical Simulation of Low Speed Axial Compressor

TU Bao-feng1,2,HU Jun1,2

2016, 37 (9): 1649-1656   

Effects of Tip Leakage Flow on Transonic Compressor

HE Cheng,WANG Ru-gen,HU Jia-guo,LI Kun,SONG Hao-lin

2016, 37 (9): 1657-1663   

Investigation on Effects of End Wall Boundary Layer

AN Xin1,2,SUN Xiao-lei1,CUI Wei-wei1,ZHAO Qing-jun1,3

2016, 37 (9): 1664-1672   

Loss Reduction of a High Speed Compressor Cascade

LIU Hua-ping,YU Jian-yang,LI De-ying,ZHANG Dong-fei,LU Bing-xiao

2016, 37 (9): 1673-1680   

Combustion , Heat and Mass Transfer

Experimental Investigation of Heat Transfer Characteristics

YAN Jian-kun1,GUO Tao1,ZHU Hui-ren1,ZHENG Jie1,GUO Wen2,SU Yun-liang2

2016, 37 (9): 1681-1687   

Investigation on Transient Process of Supersonic

LIU Gang1,ZHU Shao-hua1,GUO Xin-hua2,TIAN Liang1,XU Xu1

2016, 37 (9): 1688-1695   

Numerical Investigation of Buoyancy Influence on Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Rotating Square U-Duct


2016, 37 (9): 1696-1702   

Experimental Investigation and CFD Simulation of

REN Jia-wan1,TAN Yong-hua2,WU Bao-yuan1

2016, 37 (9): 1703-1712   

Effects of Rotation on Shaped-Hole Film

ZHU Xing-dan,ZHANG Jing-zhou,TAN Xiao-ming

2016, 37 (9): 1713-1719   

Experimental Investigation of Twin Annular Muti-Point

FANG Ren-lin,QIU Wei,DENG Yuan-hao,ZHONG Shi-lin,XU Hua-sheng,HUANG Shun-zhou

2016, 37 (9): 1720-1726   

Investigation of Effects of Plasma-Assisted Combustion on

LIU Xing-jian1,HE Li-ming1,YANG TaO2,JIN Tao1,ZENG Hao1,ZHANG Yi-han1,CHEN Yi1,LIU Peng-fei1

2016, 37 (9): 1727-1734   

Effects of Main/Pilot Timings on Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Marine Dual Fuel Engines

YU Hong-liang1,2,DUAN Shu-lin1,SUN Pei-ting1

2016, 37 (9): 1735-1741   

Effects of Hydrogen Addition on Ignition

LIU Yu,ZENG Wen,MA Hong-an,CHEN Bao-dong

2016, 37 (9): 1742-1751   

Study on Co-Modeling Method for Digital

ZHAO Hao-cen,WANG Bin,YE Zhi-feng

2016, 37 (9): 1752-1758   

Priming Behaviors in Propellant Feedline Analysis Based

QIN Yan-ping,LIANG Jun-long,LI Bin,WU Bao-yuan

2016, 37 (9): 1759-1765   

Communication Scheme Design of Distributed Control System

LI Rui-chao1,GUO Ying-qing1,LI Yan2,SUN Hao1

2016, 37 (9): 1766-1773   

Material,Propellant and Fuel

Research on Lower Limitation of Modified Double-Base

ZHENG Jian,ZHAO Chao,ZHOU Chang-sheng,XU Jin-sheng,CHEN Xiong

2016, 37 (9): 1774-1779   

A Study of Thermal Decomposition Characteristic

SHI Liang-yu1,CHENG Yong-xi2,FANG TaO2,XU Sen1,3,LIU Da-bin1,3,ZHONG Qian3,WANG Kai1

2016, 37 (9): 1780-1785   

Electric Propulsion and Other Advanced Propulsion

Effects of Deflector Depth on Shock Wave Focusing

TAN Sheng1,CHEN Xin1,2,HE Li-ming1,RONG Kang3,ZHANG Qiang4,ZHU Xiao-bin1,ZHANG Yi-hao1

2016, 37 (9): 1786-1793   

Electromagnetic Calculation Analysis of Electron

FENG Bing-bing,YANG Juan,LUO Li-tao,TANG Ming-jie,JIN Yi-zhou

2016, 37 (9): 1794-1800