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Current Issue


Flow Structures of Vertical Gaseous Jets and Effects of Thrust of Underwater Solid Rocket Motor

ZHANG Xiao-yuan1, LI Shi-peng1, YANG Bao-yu1, WANG Ning-fei1, ZHENG Qing2, WANG Yong2, TONG Yue2

2021, 42 (5): 961-969   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190639

Internal Flow Field Evolution Characteristics for Inlet Cover Separation of High Speed Inlet

ZHAO Xing-yu, WANG Yi, FAN Xiao-qiang, XU Shang-cheng

2021, 42 (5): 970-979   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190715


Numerical Study of Effects of Steady and Oscillating Back-Pressure on Shock Train in an Isolator

ZHAN Wang-jie1,2, YAN Hong1,2

2021, 42 (5): 980-990   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190671

Numerical Simulation of Quasi-Three-Dimensional Droplets Impacting on Wall in Cylindrical Coordinate System

ZHANG Qi, ZHU Wei-bing

2021, 42 (5): 991-1001   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190730

Numerical Study of Compressor Rotor Blade Resonance Induced by Wake of Inlet Probe Support

YANG Rong-fei1, LIU Hai-xu1, XIANG Hong-hui2, GAO Jie2, WANG Jing-yu3

2021, 42 (5): 1002-1012   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190797

Effects of Swirl Distortion on Transonic Rotor Performance Using Numerical Simulation

WANG Jia-le, CHENG Bang-qin, FENG Lu-ning, JI Zhen-wei, LI Jun, MA Cai-dong

2021, 42 (5): 1013-1022   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190884

Effects of Compressor Bleed on Core Engine Starting Performance

QIANG Yan, QIU Jian, LI You, CAO Chuan-jun

2021, 42 (5): 1023-1030   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200506

Effects of Trip Wire on Aerodynamic and Heat Transfer Performance of Large Meridional Expansion Turbine Endwall

DU Yu-feng, MENG Fu-sheng, MA Guo-jun, SONG Yi-kang, GAO Jie, ZHENG Qun

2021, 42 (5): 1031-1039   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190801

Effects of Little Blades at Leading Edge of Passage on Axial Compressor Cascade Aerodynamic Performance

GUO Zheng-tao1, CHU Wu-li1, YANG Jing-jing2, ZHAO Wei-guang2, WANG Guang1

2021, 42 (5): 1040-1052   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190709

Combustion, Heat and Mass Transfer

Analysis on Damping Characteristics of Solid Rocket Motor with Complicated Grain During Operation

SUN Bing-bing, LI Xiao-jiang, CHEN Tao, WANG Han, WU Xiong-gang

2021, 42 (5): 1053-1058   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190655

Emission Test and Prediction Investigation for Low Emission Single Cup and Annular Combustor

HE Pei1, DENG Xiang-yang1, WANG Xiong-hui1, E Ya-jia1, FENG Xiao-xing1, ZHANG Chi2

2021, 42 (5): 1059-1069   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200462

Detonation Combustion Numerical Model of Four-Stroke Ignition Piston Engine Based on Simplified Mechanism

LI Tian-tian, HAN Kai, WANG Dong-yang, WEI Shi-lei

2021, 42 (5): 1070-1077   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190683

Experimental Study on Control of Ethylene-Air Reverse Diffusion Flame by Non-Equilibrium Plasma

TIAN Yuan1, ZHOU Si-yin1, NIE Wan-sheng1, ZHU Yang-zhu1,2, ZHENG Zhi3, CHEN Qing-ya1

2021, 42 (5): 1078-1086   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190846

Design and Experimental Study of Spiral Tube Air-Air Heat Exchanger

LIU Yin-long1, FU Yan-chen1, WEN Jie1, QI Shao-shuai2

2021, 42 (5): 1087-1093   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190688

Heat Transfer and Ablation Characteristics of Tail-Pipe Nozzle

YANG Yu-long, ZHENG Jian, CHEN Xiong, ZHOU Chang-sheng

2021, 42 (5): 1094-1102   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190767

Effects of Density Ratio and Mass Flow Rate Ratio on Vane Full Coverage Film Cooling Characteristics in Fan-Shaped Cascade Tunnel

ZHANG Bo-lun1, ZHU Hui-ren1,2, LIU Cun-liang1,2, YAO Chun-yi1, WANG Ya-zhou1

2021, 42 (5): 1103-1111   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190678

Structural Optimal Design of Regenerative Cooling with Variable Section Based on Neural Network

TAO Yan-ming, XIAO Wei, LUO Lian-jun, WU Liang-cheng, JIANG Li-jun

2021, 42 (5): 1112-1120   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190832

Numerical Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer in Air System of an Aero-Engine

SUN Ning-tong, SHI Xiao-juan, JI Hong-hu

2021, 42 (5): 1121-1128   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190713

Structure, Strength and Reliablity

Experimental Study on Vibration Reducing Effect of Elastic Ring Squeeze Film Damper

ZHAO Lu1, LIAO Ming-fu1, WANG Si-ji1, LIU Qiao-ying2, HOU Li-zhen1

2021, 42 (5): 1129-1137   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190855

Impact of Connection Stiffness on Vibration Characteristics of Rotor in Circumferential Tie Rod Rotor of Gas Turbine

ZHANG Fan1,2, FENG Yin-li1,2, GUO Bao-ting1,2, LI Jia-qi1,2

2021, 42 (5): 1138-1147   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190859

Test, Experiment and Control

In-Flight Blade Temperature Measurement and Exhaust Gas Anti-Icing Performance Evaluation of Pusher Propeller

NIU Hong-wei1, GUO Hai-dong1, SUN Feng2, ZHANG Yong-feng1

2021, 42 (5): 1148-1153   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190738

Experimental Study on Torsional Characteristics of Fan Blade Tip

ZHOU Xiao-yang, ZHANG Long, XUE Xiu-sheng, WANG Liang, CHENG Hao

2021, 42 (5): 1154-1161   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200027

Experimental Study on Flow Field Quality of Linear Cascade Wind Tunnel under Different Conditions

CAI Ming, GAO Li-min, LIU Zhe, CHENG Hao, WANG Hao-hao, GUO Yan-chao

2021, 42 (5): 1162-1170   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190815

Material,Propellant and Fuel

Combustion Performance of Reduced Smoke and Aluminum-Free Propellant in Wide Pressure Range

HU Tao-xian, REN Shi-chao, DENG An-hua, WANG Xiao-dong, WEI Bin

2021, 42 (5): 1171-1176   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190701

Ship Propulsion

Experimental Study on Starting Performance of High-Power Marine Diesel Engine

LI Xin-rui1,2, HUANG Li1,2,3, LI Xian-nan1,2, ZHANG Wen-zheng1,2,3, ZHENG Liang1,2,3, WANG Feng-yan1,2

2021, 42 (5): 1177-1185   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200368

Research Progress on Intelligent Control Technology of Marine Diesel Engine

LENG Ling1, SHI Lei1, GUI Yong2, LIU Bo2, DENG Kang-yao1

2021, 42 (5): 1186-1194   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200473

Electric Propulsion and Other Advanced Propulsion

Uncertainty Study of Satellite Orbit Maneuver Process Using Monopropellant Hydrazine Propulsion System

GAO Yong1,2, FANG Zhong-jian1,2, LIN Qian1,2, DING Feng-lin1,2, WANG Yuan1

2021, 42 (5): 1195-1200   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.200353