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Current Issue


Investigation on Mass Injection Pre-Cooling Technology of Aero-Turbine Engine

LIN A-qiang1, ZHENG Qun1, WU Feng2,3, YANG Hao3, ZHANG Hai1

2020, 41 (4): 721-728   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190445


Airframe-Propulsion Integrated Performance under Fluid-Structure-Propulsion Coupling

CHEN Bing1, QIU Li-kuan2, GONG Chun-lin1, GU Liang-xian1

2020, 41 (4): 729-739   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190198

Effects of Recuperator Performance on Micro Gas Turbine Overall Performance

ZHOU Qiao1,2, YIN Zhao1, SUN Wen-chao1, ZHANG Hua-liang1,2, GAO Qing1,2, TAN Chun-qing1,2

2020, 41 (4): 740-749   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190177

Research on Application of TBCC on Supersonic Airliner

XU Si-yuan1,2, ZHU Zhi-li1, LIU Zhen-de2, XUE Yong-guang2

2020, 41 (4): 750-757   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190733

Design and Experiment of Pulse Separation Device of Double Pulse Solid Rocket Motor

MEI Kai1,2, LI Jun-wei2, WANG Zhong1, WANG Ning-fei2

2020, 41 (4): 758-766   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190051


Shock Train Oscillations in a Two-Dimensional Inlet/Isolator with Suction

HUANG Rong1, LI Zhu-fei1, NIE Bao-ping1, HONG Yu-ting1, YANG Ji-ming1, WU Ying-chuan2

2020, 41 (4): 767-777   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190121

Roughness Induced High Speed Boundary Layer ForcedTransition Simulation Using γ-Reθ Transition ModelBased on IDDES Method

YI Miao-rong1, ZHAO Hui-yong1, LE Jia-ling1

2020, 41 (4): 778-790   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190154

Effects of Injection Perpendicular to Blade Chord on Stability of Rotor

YAN Song1, CHU Wu-li1,2

2020, 41 (4): 791-801   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.180817

Experiment on Flow Separation Control of Delta Wing by Array Surface Arc Plasma Pneumatic Actuation

YANG He-sen1, LIANG Hua1, ZHAO Guang-yin1, XIE Li-ke1, TANG Bing-liang1, HE Qi-kun1

2020, 41 (4): 802-811   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190281

Study of Cavitation Thermodynamic Effect of Liquid Rocket Engine Inducer

XIANG Le1, CHEN Hui1, TAN Yong-hua1,2, LIU Shi-xin3, XU Kai-fu3, ZHANG Ya-tai1

2020, 41 (4): 812-819   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190139

Effects of Clocking Arrangement on Performance of HighPressure Ratio Tandem Centrifugal Compressor

KANG Da1, HE Wei-dong2, XU Yi3, LIU Zhi-jie3

2020, 41 (4): 820-829   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190094

Combustion and Heat Transfer

Large Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling from a Shallow Trench-Hole

FAN Fang-su1, WANG Chun-hua1, FENG Hong-ke1, ZHANG Jing-zhou1,2

2020, 41 (4): 830-839   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190244

Numerical Study on Distribution of Counter Gradient Transport in Turbulent Premixed Combustion

YU Da-li1, CHEN Fang1, LIU Hong1

2020, 41 (4): 840-846   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190394

Effects of Backpressure on Atomization Characteristics of Impinging Jet Injector

LI Jia-nan1, LEI Fan-pei2, ZHOU Li-xin1

2020, 41 (4): 847-859   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190196

Numerical Study on Effects of Different Excitation Forms on Forced Film Cooling Characteristics

CHEN Jia-wei1, CAI Le1, WANG Song-tao1

2020, 41 (4): 860-867   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190318

Effects of Inclination Angle of Vortex Generator on Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Heat Exchanger

GAO Chen1, LUO Chao1, SHI Wei-na1, SONG Ke-wei1

2020, 41 (4): 868-874   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190315

Experimental Study on Improved Hole PluggingMethod of Combustor

CHANG Feng1, CHENG Ming1, LIN Hong-jun1, ZHANG Cheng-kai1

2020, 41 (4): 875-880   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190282

Experimental Investigation on Rotational Detonation Combustion with Fuel-Rich Gases of Kerosene

HU Hong-bo1, YAN Yu1, ZHANG Feng1, HONG Liu1, CHEN Hong-yu1

2020, 41 (4): 881-888   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190407

Structure, Strength and Reliablity

Research on Dynamic Characteristics of Blisk withSemi-Active Piezoelectric Damping

LIU Jiu-zhou1, LI Lin2, XIN Jian-qiang1, DONG Yong-peng1,3, XU Teng-fei1, QU Qiang1

2020, 41 (4): 889-902   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190061

Effects of Laser Shock Peening on High-Temperature Fretting Fatigue Life of Titanium Alloy

CHEN Xu1, CUI Hai-tao1, TIAN Zeng2, ZHANG Hong-jian1, HE Yan-lei2

2020, 41 (4): 903-909   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190052

Test and Control

Parameter-Varying Robust Filter Design for a Turbofan Engine

JIA Qiu-sheng1,2, SHI Xin-xing1, LI Hua-cong1, XIAO Hong-liang1, HAN Xiao-bao1

2020, 41 (4): 910-915   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190498

Study on High Enthalpy Flowfield Simulation and Aerothermal Verification in Arc-Heated Wind Tunnel

LUO Wan-qing1,2, LIANG Jian-han1, YANG Yuan-jian2,3, SUN Hai-hao2, ZHAO Jin-shan2

2020, 41 (4): 916-924   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190263

Investigation and Application of High Mach Number Multi-Body Separation Test Technique

LIN Jing-zhou1, WANG Xiong1, ZHONG Jun1, XIE Zhi-jiang2, PI Yang-jun2, ZHAO Jian1

2020, 41 (4): 925-933   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190087

Material,Propellant and Fuel

A Physical Surrogate Fuel Model for RP-3 Aviation Kerosene and Applications

YAO Chang-xin1, YU Jin2

2020, 41 (4): 934-941   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190203

Ship Propulsion

Numerical Study on Ship Propeller-Shaft-Rudder-Stern Coupled Vibration Noise

XU Ye1, XIONG Ying1, HUANG Zheng1

2020, 41 (4): 942-950   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190328

Electric Propulsion and Other Advanced Propulsion

Investigation on Thermal Characteristics of Thermionic Emission in a Hollow Cathode

YU Bo1,2,3, YU Jian2,3, KANG Xiao-lu2,3, ZHAO Qing1

2020, 41 (4): 951-960   DOI:10.13675/j.cnki.tjjs.190124